What We Do

Web Development

We’re not only concern in creating a fantastic look of your website. We also concern and focus in building your website with best codes and scripts. We use grid framework to build your website. And we make sure that your website pass the valid XHTML test.

Web Maintenance

Why bother about doing things that you’re not expert at? Let us do the hassle with everythings related to your website. You just need to sit, relax, and do your own thing, which is focus on building your business and grow it even more.

ICT Consultant

It’s very important to build a website that is friendly to Search Engine (SEF). That’s why we already include our service to setup your website to be friendly to all search engines, no matter Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. We also include Analytics feature so it’s easy for you to check on your website statistic data.

Who We Are

We’re passionate on what we do, and we love helping goverment / business reach their goals.

We are PT. Mata Alam Nusantara, Indonesia-based digital creative studio with massive interest in design, technology and social media.

Online is playing an increasingly larger role in business, where people are becoming “hyper connected”.

We’re not simply giving brands technology. We’re partnering with them in building the right solution to shape their brand and interact in their customer network.

Meet Our Team

Gilang F. Kusuma

Chief Executive Officer

Nizar Mahroussy H.E

Chief Technical Officer

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